Mus2 family history
Mus2 family history

mus2 family history

The family history of a premature stroke is an independent risk factor for stroke inheritance and with greater force in subjects between 25 and 49 years ( 9, 10). Although the greatest attention has been focused on environmental effects and lifestyle, since they can be adapted and controlled, it has been documented that the stroke also has a hereditary base that can interact with environmental factors ( 8). However, some factors for stroke cannot be changed by medical treatment or lifestyle changes. Recent progress in the treatment of stroke, in addition to the control of certain risk factors such as blood pressure, salt intake, weight and smoking can reduce the tendency of mortality ( 7). Therefore, it is essential to develop well-organized methods to prevent or reduce the occurrence of stroke ( 6). By increasing the number of risk factors, the risk of stroke increases. A risk factor is a situation or behavior that usually occurs in those who develop a higher risk of having a disease than those who do not ( 5). Some of the major treatable risk factors for stroke are: hypertension, cigarette smoking, signs of heart disease or history of stroke, diabetes, imbalance of cholesterol, physical inactivity and obesity ( 4). Nearly 20% of strokes are hemorrhagic, causing bleeding in the brain ( 3). There are three main types of stroke including ischemic, hemorrhagic and transient ischemic attack. Strokes occur when blood flow to the brain breaks down. Stroke is an acute neurological event that has been characterized by loss of motor, sensory and cognitive function ( 1, 2).

Mus2 family history